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Best low powered pfsense box

  • pfsense
  • networking

Last updated May 07, 2022

This box is the perfect all in one low power pfsense device. It includes a Celeron J4125 processor and four 2.5gbit nics. This allows for 2.5x times the bandiwidth compared to 1gbit when connecting to other 2.5gbit devices (such as recently released cable modems and certain laptop and desktop nics). In addition it includes RAM and SSD so no additional components are needed. It is will supported by pfsense 2.6x and above as well as other popular router/firewall OSs like OpenWRT and OPNsense.

What the crowd is saying about it

Nice to see reasonably priced DIY options as 2Gbps and 5Gbps speed tiers become more available from ISP’s.

Sourced from the comments in the review "Inexpensive 4x 2.5GbE Fanless Router Firewall Box"